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  4. Security Headers – Feature-Policy

Security Headers – Feature-Policy

The Feature-Policy header is a security header that allows website administrators to control and restrict the availability of certain browser features and APIs on their web pages.

By using the Feature-Policy header, administrators can specify which features are allowed or denied, helping to enhance security and privacy.

Purpose of Feature-Policy

The primary purpose of the Feature-Policy header is to provide granular control over browser features and APIs to mitigate potential security and privacy risks. This header allows administrators to define a policy for specific features, restricting their use to certain origins or disabling them altogether.

How Feature-Policy Works

The Feature-Policy header supports 9 directives, each corresponding to a specific feature or API. These directives allow administrators to control the behavior of the specified features.

Those directives include:

accelerometerControls the use of the device’s accelerometer.
cameraControls access to the user’s camera.
geolocationControls access to the user’s geolocation.
gyroscopeControls the use of the device’s gyroscope.
magnetometerControls the use of the device’s magnetometer.
microphoneControls access to the user’s microphone.
paymentControls access to the Payment Request API.
usbControls access to USB devices.
vr or xrControls access to virtual or augmented reality features.

This example sets the Feature-Policy header to allow geolocation from the same origin ('self'), disallow camera access ('none'), and allow microphone access from the same origin ('self').

Feature-Policy: geolocation 'self'; camera 'none'; microphone 'self'

Configure Feature-Policy via Web Servers

More detailed instructions on how to configure security headers available here. Below assumes you know where to configure the headers relative to web server type:


<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header always set Feature-Policy "geolocation 'self'; camera 'none'; microphone 'self'"


add_header Feature-Policy "geolocation 'self'; camera 'none'; microphone 'self'";
Updated on December 13, 2023
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