Protecting SSH on Web Servers

Of all the ways a server is compromised, the access vertical continues to be the #1 vector. Whether it is through brute forcing attacks that guesses a users weak password, or credentials (i.e., username and password) being leaked via another compromise. Bad actors take advantage of this vector and it is why we see automated […]

The Domain Name System (DNS)

In our previous article, we explored the relationships between Registrars, Registries and DNS. In this article, we will dive deeper into the world of DNS. The art of Routing Web Requests (Hello DNS) DNS stands for Domain Name System (DNS), you might hear it used interchangeably with Domain Name Server (DNS). It is the mechanism that […]

The Importance of Asset Monitoring

When we manage multiple assets, we must know what we have and their state. This is especially true when managing complex web ecosystems. Whether they are applications dependent on continuous communication with endpoints, or architectures reliant on multiple origins. At NOC, we don’t specifically talk to inventory management, or discovery, but should be invested in. […]